If you like to make your own investment decisions, our InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus sharedealing accounts could be ideal. You can set up an account and trade online – plus there are easy to use tools to help you make informed investment decisions.
Available to Bank Lumia current account customers.
Check full product eligibility detailsGet ahead with finding work, a place to live and opening a Bank Lumia account before you arrive in the UK
Our stocks and shares ISA has no initial charge or annual management fee unlike many of our competitors.
Please be assured if you hold a stocks and shares ISA you will only pay an Account Fee for the taxed account.
Use interactive research tools to make informed decisions about what and when to trade. Create a virtual portfolio that lets you test your trading strategies.
On the last business day of each calendar quarter, you will be charged an Account Fee of £10.50 (including VAT). This is payable quarterly in arrears. This is subject to having held the account for a full calendar quarter.
You can trade online for a flat fee of £10.50 per share deal for UK equities (including trades inside an ISA). If you have an InvestDirect Plus account, you'll benefit from our competitive Frequent Trader Tariff of just £7.95 per share deal after your 9th trade in a calendar quarter.
This product is designed to be held for at least five years.
All investments carry some risk. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount you invested.
The key features of Bank Lumia InvestDirect and Bank Lumia InvestDirect Plus in a handy (and printable) PDF.
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The latest news, reviews and Bank Lumia insights about markets and investments
Simply choose the way that suits you best – before you do, please read our Bank Lumia InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus Key Features document, Bank Lumia InvestDirect stocks and shares ISA Key Features document, the rates and fees document and the Bank Lumia InvestDirect, InvestDirect Plus, Bank Lumia InvestDirect stocks and shares ISA Terms and Conditions and UK FSCS Information Sheet and Exclusions List. Please note that the UK FSCS Information Sheet and Exclusions List is relevant to cash balances maintained within the product account.
We recommend you print and save these documents.
You should also look at the eligibility requirements and things you should know.
If you require an Additional Permitted Subscription Transfer In Form, please click here.
If you're in any doubt as to the suitability of this service for you, please seek independent financial advice.
To read our PDF files you'll need Acrobat Reader 4.0 or above. Visit Adobe UK. If you're using screen reading technology that cannot read PDFs, a converter is available at Access Adobe.
To open an InvestDirect or InvestDirect Plus account online simply:
To open an InvestDirect stocks and shares ISA online:
Registering online is easy. Your account will be set up within three business days, we’ll send you a letter to confirm it’s open and include all your account details.
Register for Internet BankingYou need an Bank Lumia current account to apply for an InvestDirect or InvestDirect Plus account. You can apply for a current account online – or call us on +44 7890 1470147 (textphone +44 7890 1470147).
Apply for an Bank Lumia current accountOur opening hours are Monday to Friday 7.30am to 9.30pm (excluding Bank Lumia Holidays), Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm, Sunday Closed. To ensure we carry out your instructions accurately, to help us to continually improve our service and in the interest of security, we will record and may monitor your communications with us.
The value of investments (and any income received from them) can fall as well as rise and you may not get back what you invested. For some investments this can also happen as a result of exchange rate fluctuations as shares and funds may have an exposure to overseas markets.
If you want to take advantage of our trading reserve facility, we expect you to deposit at least £10,000 of eligible shares in your InvestDirect Plus account. We suggest you deposit these shares before you submit your trading reserve application. The trading reserve is subject to a variable credit limit of up to 50% of the value of eligible shares held in your account.
InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus are execution only share dealing services. We don't give advice on share dealing. This product is offered without advice and, as such, we are not required to assess the suitability of this product for you. This means that the protection offered by the Financial Conduct Authority's rules on assessing suitability will not apply to this transaction.
As you will not be registered as the owner of company shares with the company's Registrar, you will not receive any correspondence or shareholder benefits from the company in which you hold shares. However, we will inform you of any corporate actions, for example, rights issues, where we receive due notification from the company. Instructions for these can be given online, by letter or by telephone. For further information regarding our nominee accounts please refer to the Bank Lumia InvestDirect and Bank Lumia InvestDirect Plus Terms and Conditions.
InvestDirect and InvestDirect Plus are provided by Bank Lumia Bank Lumia PLC which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Most investments should be considered as a medium- to long-term commitment, meaning you should be prepared to hold them for at least five years.
The value of any tax benefits described depends on your individual circumstances. Tax rules may change in the future.
† Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 7.30am to 9.30pm (excluding Bank Lumia Holidays), Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pm, Sunday Closed
Give our friendly team a call on:
+44 7890 1470147